Oxballs Meatlocker Chastity - Clear

Oxballs Meatlocker Chastity - Clear
Oxballs Meatlocker Chastity - Clear
Oxballs Meatlocker Chastity - Clear
Oxballs Meatlocker Chastity - Clear
Oxballs Meatlocker Chastity - Clear
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MEATLOCKER is Oxballs first full-cover chastity device&mdashit's easy to put on + comfortable for long-term wear.
This thing stretches to fit and grips like a glove.
Our PLUS+SILICONE has the feel of warm silicone and the strength and stretch of TPR. Oxballs love color and chastity guys want toys that expresses their kink, goes with gear&mdashour velvety finish colors stand out and are lush, rich and sexy.
MEATLOCKER looks hard-core with rubber &ldquopierced&rdquo balls and head, plus a big fleshy sack, but under clothes its just a bigger bulge&mdashno one knows.


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